Sunday, February 15, 2009


Last week, despite the news that offends Toby, I found several uplifting stories and wanted to share.

Alex Greven, a well-spoken nine-year-old took an in-class writing assignment and turned it into a bestseller. How toTalk to Girls is the first of a series by this young author.

Then, amidst the horrific tragedies of the Australian wildfires, there's a moment of kindness and hope. The picture of the koala drinking from the firefighter's water bottle made the rounds, and the follow up article is packed with good news too.

That takes me to the terrific interview Sandra Bullock gave to InStyle, especially the question asked by Elizabeth D. of NYC. As a mother of teens, Ms. Bullock's answers about growing up, and the lessons she learned about being true to yourself were wonderful. If you have a teen, are a teen, or know a teen, this interview is worth the time to read!

the website
Click here for Pixie Chicks by Quake


  1. Nice to know there is some good news to report! Thanks for sharing, Regan.

  2. Love the article with Sandra Bullock...she's such an inspiration.

  3. Love Toby's take on the whole thing and I love the good news as well!
