Friday, February 27, 2009

Why I Read

...motivational books.

I've said it previously, and meant it, it's important to feed your brain and heart the right stuff to thrive. I was raised on motivational authors like Zig Ziglar and his classic, See You at the Top. This is a prime title for me to revisit on the eve of the South Carolina Book Festival where I'll be meeting readers and writers and making important connections.

Reading motivational authors gives me a mental boost. I read fiction to escape, but non-fiction, especially authors who address goal setting and mind stretching are a vital part of my brain's diet. Another classic full of lessons that have stuck with me is Norman Vincent Peale's Power of Positive Thinking. If only more people cracked this open regularly.

Reading motivational authors provides an improved perspective. John Maxwell has an incredible arsenal of books on leadership and attitude, one of my favorites for personal development is Your Road Map For Success and another great staple is The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset.

Reading motivational authors empowers me. Developing your can-do spirit is one of the best ways to spend your time. When you realize your skills and have a plan to move forward, you feel better on the journey. There are all kinds of factors in life that tell us we can't or shouldn't, it helps to have words of wisdom to counter that negativity. Og Mandino's bestseller The Greatest Salesman in the World is a quick read and a fast mental adjustment for the better.

In any line of work - at home or in a formal place of employment, keeping a positive attitude and healthy outlook is vital. I know I wouldn't have any published titles to my credit without the encouragment I found from motivational authors and positive people in my life.

Go find your personal motivator today!


Books at Quake and Echelon Press
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