Thursday, April 30, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday!

My oldest turns 16 today! Sweet, sweet sixteen! Yay! I can hardly believe it - it's gone so fast, but she's an amazing girl anyone would be proud to claim.

This is her casual pic we sent with her application to the SC Governor's School for Science and Math...she was accepted earlier this month! (that's the infamous Brody with is fave tennis ball)

She was recently featured at the Teen-Seen blog for her accomplishment of becoming a published author!

And you can connect with her anytime at her own blog showcasing the characters that make up her fabulous teen short stories, btw her first release Just One of the Guys goes live tomorrow!

And what a good sport to let me tie balloons to her crutches for school today!

Both my kids are awesome, but today is a special milestone and a beacon of happiness in a rather stressful month, so I wanted to give her some face time! Of course there were moments I didn't think one of us would survive, so we must extend thanks to Aunt Melanie who kept assuring me the next year would get easier. (I'm waiting for today's call, btw!)

Happy celebrations to all!


  1. What a sweet and loving tribute! I don't know which one to be happier for...the birthday girl or her mom.

    Congrats to both of you! And, Iris, can't wait for your book release. (when does the next one come out? Okay...people are going to ask, you might as well be prepared! heh-heh)



  2. I agree with Mary--a great tribute from the heart. Jordan is as awesomely talented as she is a beautiful young lady.

    Happy birthday, Jordan. And congrats to both of you for not killing each other over the last 16 years (or 16 weeks!).

  3. About the 16 weeks - having seen us in the hospital recently, Sam would certainly know!

    Thanks to you both for the good wishes!


  4. Happy Birthday, Iris! And your first story is coming out tomorrow? What a great way to celebrate your birthday!


  5. I happen to know for a fact that the story is already on sale.
