Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Write Stuff Wednesday

Stan Lee is this Wednesday's author with the Write Stuff! There's a lengthy wiki page full of details of his career, but what sets him apart - and earns my love and affection as writer and reader is that he created superheroes with human flaws and day to day concerns.

Comic books (graphic novels) before Stan Lee were geared toward preteens with bigger than life, perfectly moral archetypes. Readers everywhere should be thankful for Lee's creative genius in this medium. He wrote graphic novels in every genre from western to romance to sci-fi and would eventually co-create the most popular Marvel character, Spiderman.

He changed the industry, no question. Marvel comics under Stan Lee's guidance are visual studies of characterization and vibrant storytelling. And by changing graphic novels, he impacted countless writers and artists in other areas - including me!

Of course, you only have to read my Monday post to know I'm forever grateful for the Marvel - and marvelous - creation of the best tortured hero ever: Wolverine, of Xmen.

Do you have a favorite comic book hero? Or villain? Leave a comment and I'll enter you in a drawing for:

Happy reading of all the Write Stuff!
author of Justice Incarnate and other books available from Echelon Press.
Follow the daily adventure on Twitter
(photo courtesy of the Stan Lee page on Wikipedia)


  1. My favorite is the Hulk. My favorite villain at this point is the Sandman, who went through a soul-shattering experience and changed his ways.

  2. I agree with you on Sandman.

    Of course the Xmen villain Magneto always seems on the verge of redeeming himself.


  3. Didja all know that in most ... if not all ... Stan Lee movies, he makes a cameo appearance?

    Includes the following movies:

    Daredevil, Spiderman (One, Two and Three), X-Men, Hulk, Fantastic Four and Iron Man.

    When we watch these movies, it's fun to look for him.

