Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Queen's Arrival

She's back!!!

My publisher, Karen Syed of Echelon Press and Quake, has arrived safely. It's always a pleasure to have her stay with us during the SC Book Festival every February.

My kids know her as Auntie-Publisher and it's been a mutual admiration society between the three of them since the day Karen bought my Justice Incarnate manuscript. While the annual trip to Sonic is off the agenda - for good reasons - I know my kids are excited to host one of their (and my) favorite people.

It's an honor - and always fun- to have Karen stay with us for a few days of business mixed with loads of laughter and fun.

Stay posted for pics and updates from this positively entertaining, book-selling whirlwind of a weekend.


Tweet me!


  1. Have fun, all of you! Diana and I will be joining in the fun on Saturday! No, no! Regan, pick yourself off the floor. We're not staying with you!

    See you soon!

  2. Can't wait to see you on Saturday!

  3. All y'all would be welcome! My zoo and my family are of "the more the merrier" mentality!

