Monday, March 30, 2009
Should It Be This Easy?
When you're on the right track, YES! It should be just this easy. Doing what you love means putting in the time to get great and then reaping the rewards. And you'll be so much happier in work and life!
Often the things we love to do come fairly easy - unfortunately when it comes easy we often think it has little value!
So NOT true!
Everyone has unique and individual talents. Take the time to identify your talents, to hone your skills and be at ease in yourself and your work!
Here's a great book to get you started!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tween on the LOOSE!

Augusta Lee of Cynthia's Attic fame, had escaped her proper pages and hijacked the teen-seen blog today!
Go check out the ruckus one tween is making!
And please go get Mary Cunningham's books on Quake so we can regain blog control!
(author of those Pixie Chicks that annoy Gus so much!)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Write Stuff Wednesday

Cats may have invented it, but writers have spent centuries perfecting it. If you find yourself resistant to getting your hands on the keyboard, try Steven Pressfield's The War of Art.
This is a great book that will touch your creative heart and help you break through all the barriers between you and whatever success you crave!
Get your copy here!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Zamora's Ultimate Challenge

Michele Scott launches her blog book tour today at The Life of a Publisher!
This is fabulous news for those who love a great read. Scott's fans will not be disappointed by her latest release from Quake publishing.
There's all kinds of information about Zamora's Ultimate Challenge
Friday, March 20, 2009
Catch the Captcha!
Last week Ms. Sylvan gave us the origin of Captcha as a 'word', and here we are again as the Traveling Blog Post has returned to the realm!
This time Iris's blog takes the deleted message hit (thanks, Iris for the image above). And here are some of my latest faves from the Wide World of Wacky non-word combos:
lyrexu - A new instrument in Xanadu?
asquop - ask what? Hey at least it's the proper use of q and u!
Leave a comment or definition for the captcha above and you'll be entered in our drawing for an iTunes gift card and the Echelon or Quake download of your choice. Winners will be announced Sunday March 22.
Happy Defining!

lyrexu - A new instrument in Xanadu?
asquop - ask what? Hey at least it's the proper use of q and u!
Leave a comment or definition for the captcha above and you'll be entered in our drawing for an iTunes gift card and the Echelon or Quake download of your choice. Winners will be announced Sunday March 22.
Happy Defining!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Write Stuff Wednesday

This time around it's A Perfect Ending! (that's short for : 'How Movies teach us to keep our characters challenged right up to The End')
I've designed this class to use popular movies like Indiana Jones, Practical Magic, Van Helsing, and more to illustrate the best way to put the right wrap on your novel.
Having screwed up more endings than I'd like to admit, and having a manuscript rejected because the ending was too predictable, I've gathered some tips and tricks to make your readers say, "WOW!"
So if you write stuff, but struggle with capturing that perfect ending, this is your chance! No matter your genre, this class will be a fun way to improve your craft and connect with other authors.
Reserve your place in LRWA's online classroom today!
Happy Writing!
Tweet me!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Today is the Day!

Today MGM is the author of The Women's Millionaire Club and founder of The Women's Millionaire Club Community and Website. MGM is the industry Leader on the Learned Success Traits of Successful Entrepreneurial Women.
In her new book, The Women's Millionaire Club, MGM set out to answer the simple question: Why do some women make a fortune and others don't? She assessed, surveyed and interviewed 21 'Ordinary' Women who started their home based businesses with NO Prior Experience yet they each did the 'ExtraOrdinary'-- MADE MILLIONS while MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
MGM wants to give YOU the ingredients and recipes to learn 'How To' Do the SAME whether you are a veteran, 'newbie' or 'wanna be' Home-Based Business Entrepreneur.
This is YOUR Exclusive Invitation to claim your Pot o'Gold and discover the secret success recipes that will Explode your home based business! Order the Women's Millionaire Club today...St. Patrick's Day...17 March 2009! (offer expires at midnight tonight).
Personally, I've had extensive experience with direct sales and this book illuminated concepts I'd never truly understood. Now, as a published author focused on increasing my effectiveness in the market, the case studies in MGM's book are informative as well as inspiring.
The Women's Millionaire Club, by Maureen G Mulvaney, is available TODAY, March 17th, 2009. We invite you to go review this page - MGM Superstar - to access the order page and then go back to this page to access the bonus page. On the Exclusive Private Invite page, enter your order confirmation code. That will allow you to gain entry to the FREE Pot o' Gold Bonus Items.
Don't wait. Claim the Pot o'Gold at the end of your rainbow now!
Monday, March 16, 2009
FREE Books!
Yup, it's true! FREE Books from Echelon Press!
Books are the best way to build your personal library, escape reality, and share quality entertainment with your family. With a book, you can indulge every fantastical urge, share the fun with your friends, and improve your outlook.
Books are cheaper than cable and a lot less expensive than two hours at a movie!
Through midnight March 20, purchase any $10 paperback from Echelon Press and receive a FREE pdf download of the book of your choice - that's right choose any book for FREE!
What are you waiting for? Go find your best value now!
Happy Value Reading!

Tweet me!
Books are the best way to build your personal library, escape reality, and share quality entertainment with your family. With a book, you can indulge every fantastical urge, share the fun with your friends, and improve your outlook.
Books are cheaper than cable and a lot less expensive than two hours at a movie!
Through midnight March 20, purchase any $10 paperback from Echelon Press and receive a FREE pdf download of the book of your choice - that's right choose any book for FREE!
What are you waiting for? Go find your best value now!
Happy Value Reading!

Tweet me!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A personal note from MGM!
For whatever reasons, my blog didn't allow the following comments from Maureen to post, so I'm posting the very thoughtful email she sent me:
What an Honor as author of a new book about the top performing Women Millionaires of Home-Based Businesses to be reviewed at Regan's Realm Blog. Regan is a shining example of a strong Successful Woman! Like Regan, I, too, was a band geek. Could that PLAY a part in our Success!!!???
Our Book Launch for The Women's Millionaire Club is ~ 17 Mar 09, St. Patricks Day. Although my book is directed towards women, men can also benefit, as the Ingredients for Success are universal.
It is my joy to GIFT all Regan's Blog participants with a Discounted Book Price $14.95 (reg $24.95) and a Pot of Gold filled with over 55 Bonus Gifts, ebooks, ecourses, mp3 worth thousands of dollars.
To receive your Exclusive Private Invite register at:
Go directly to the following link ( LIVE 17 Mar 09 ONLY)!
I am so grateful to be featured on Regan's Blog and for her continued effort to create an informative and dynamic blog for others to be educated! Thanks~ Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM
What an Honor as author of a new book about the top performing Women Millionaires of Home-Based Businesses to be reviewed at Regan's Realm Blog. Regan is a shining example of a strong Successful Woman! Like Regan, I, too, was a band geek. Could that PLAY a part in our Success!!!???
Our Book Launch for The Women's Millionaire Club is ~ 17 Mar 09, St. Patricks Day. Although my book is directed towards women, men can also benefit, as the Ingredients for Success are universal.
It is my joy to GIFT all Regan's Blog participants with a Discounted Book Price $14.95 (reg $24.95) and a Pot of Gold filled with over 55 Bonus Gifts, ebooks, ecourses, mp3 worth thousands of dollars.
To receive your Exclusive Private Invite register at: http://www.WomenJoinTheClub.
Go directly to the following link ( LIVE 17 Mar 09 ONLY)!
I am so grateful to be featured on Regan's Blog and for her continued effort to create an informative and dynamic blog for others to be educated! Thanks~ Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It's Maureen G Mulvaney Day at Regan's Realm

Maureen G. Mulvaney lives up to her initials M.G.M….A Big Production. She is the author of The Women's Millionaire Club and founder of The Women's Millionaire Club Community and Website. MGM is the industry Leader on the Learned Success Traits of Successful Entrepreneurial Women.
Years ago, MGM arrived in Phoenix, AZ… Flat Broke, Jobless and Licking the wounds from a divorce. If she can Make It…So Can YOU. Let her show you 'HOW'.
In her new book, The Women's Millionaire Club, MGM set out to answer the simple question: Why do some women make a fortune and others don't? She assessed, surveyed and interviewed 21 'Ordinary' Women who started their home based businesses with NO Prior Experience yet they each did the 'ExtraOrdinary'-- MADE MILLIONS while MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
MGM wants to give YOU the ingredients and recipes to learn 'How To' Do the SAME whether you are a veteran, 'newbie' or 'wanna be' Home-Based Business Entrepreneur.
Here's an excellent article on Natural Networking by MGM. It's a great taste of what's waiting for you in the Women's Millionaire Club.
Second, my perspective:
Having worked several home-based businesses through the years with varying success, this book illuminated some concepts I'd never truly understood. MGM provides a detailed history of multi-level marketing and direct sales, as well as an inspired revelation regarding the difference between successful sales men and successful sales women. Having learned sales skills through my father, I'd wondered why I couldn't make his 'closing' work for me, MGM's book showed me that answer.
Now, as a published author focused on increasing my effectiveness in the market, the case studies in MGM's book are informative as well as inspiring.
The author and publisher want you to know: The Women's Millionaire Club, by Maureen G Mulvaney, is being offered beginning on March 17th, 2009 at 12:01 am. We invite you to go review and bookmark this page - MGM Superstar - to access the order page and then go back to this page to access the bonus page. On the Exclusive Private Invite page, enter your order confirmation code. That will allow you to gain entry to the FREE Pot o' Gold Bonus Items.
I invite you to learn more about MGM and The Women's Millionaire Club now!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Pride and Breakfast
Pictures will follow as soon as the school emails them, but I couldn't wait to boast that my daughter was honored as Knight of the Month today! They pick one student from each class (there are 474 sophomores) based on teacher recommendations. The staff comes out, tells each child how fab they are and parents get warm fuzzies (along with yummy breakfast)
This even ties to eReading because my daughter just sold her first short story to Quake! You can learn about Iris Black, her characters and her publishing journey at her blog!
Most fun for me I think was getting the chance to be really sneaky! The parents joining the fun is a big surprise for the kids and my daughter thought I was getting spiffed up for a meeting at my son's school. Even my son thought this and was worried about what was up. He was relieved - after a moment's irritation - but the bagels and chocolate chip cookies made up for it.
Again, stay tuned for more pics about this great start to my day!
This even ties to eReading because my daughter just sold her first short story to Quake! You can learn about Iris Black, her characters and her publishing journey at her blog!
Most fun for me I think was getting the chance to be really sneaky! The parents joining the fun is a big surprise for the kids and my daughter thought I was getting spiffed up for a meeting at my son's school. Even my son thought this and was worried about what was up. He was relieved - after a moment's irritation - but the bagels and chocolate chip cookies made up for it.
Again, stay tuned for more pics about this great start to my day!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Pixies Reviewed!
Pixie Chicks, Hobbitville Saga #1 just got a glowing review from the author of the remarkable Cynthia's Attic series. She says: "I was captured by this story from the first line and can’t wait to read Saga # 2..."
It's timely too, as Pixie Chicks is an electronic short story downloadable from Quake in pdf, and multiple formats at eReader.
I'm one of those authors who loves to hear what readers found appealing, and what they want to hear more about. It's especially nice when a peer takes the time to read and comment. Thanks so much, Mary Cunningham.
You can read the whole review at Mary's Blog, or grab your own copy from Quake today!
Pixie Profiles at the website...and stay tuned for the next installment...Sierra's Set Up is coming soon to Quake!
THIS JUST IN (dateline 10:25am) Another review just popped up at Jackie Sylvan's blog!
What a happy Thursday I'm having!

I'm one of those authors who loves to hear what readers found appealing, and what they want to hear more about. It's especially nice when a peer takes the time to read and comment. Thanks so much, Mary Cunningham.
You can read the whole review at Mary's Blog, or grab your own copy from Quake today!
Pixie Profiles at the website...and stay tuned for the next installment...Sierra's Set Up is coming soon to Quake!
THIS JUST IN (dateline 10:25am) Another review just popped up at Jackie Sylvan's blog!
What a happy Thursday I'm having!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Write Stuff Wednesday

This weekly installment has been hijacked by a couple of announcements! First, of course, Read an Ebook Week!
Ebooks are the same high quality books by favorite authors you'd find on the shelf, but you don't have to drive to the library or bookstore. You're not missing anything and you gain the advantage of increasing your personal library at a fraction of the cost. Most likely, one of those techy devices you already own will support eReader software. I guarantee you'll be happy you checked into it.

This book really has the 'Write Stuff' when it comes to illuminating how women can find amazing success, realize their dreams, fulfill their entrepreneurial spirit, and still have a balanced life! You won't want to miss it, no matter what stage of the business journey you're in.
(and yes, I'm sure it will be available in a variety of eReader formats.)
Live the adventure with your own copy of Justice Incarnate
by Regan Black
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Going for the E

And I want to! You should read an ebook too!
I've been all over the internet lately about how much fun I'm having and how many great new reading opportunities open up when I can just turn on the palm and be right back in the story. But I've since discovered other advantages - most of them related to reading in bed.
My husband is no longer blinded by my book light when I read in bed.
The palm shuts itself off if I'm idle too long - the book light doesn't have this nifty feature. (yes there have been nights when I've woken up shocked, blinded, and fearing abduction because of that glaring light in my eye)
I save money on the newest hardcover releases and - free bonus - I don't have to worry about wrist strain, breaking my nose, or blacking an eye if I doze off while reading in bed.
Hop on the eBook bandwagon this week!

In the name of shameless promotion, if you follow my blog I'll send you a FREE pdf of Famous Last Words! (yes I took a followers head count before this post went live!)
Happy E-Reading
Monday, March 9, 2009
Read an eBook!

With all the kindle
That was my concern, too, until I realized I was underestimating my palm. I knew there was software out there to let me read on it, but would I like it?
Turns out the answer is yes! At a friend's encouragement, (thanks Karen Syed) I downloaded the FREE software at eReader and picked out a few books. Within minutes I was engrossed in a totally new genre (horror) I never would've shopped for in a library or at the bookstore. (J.R. Turner's D.F.F. and I highly recommend it on Kindle
So now I'm totally hooked on the ebook concept and will post my adventures throughout the week.
Now it's your turn to discover some eBook joy of your own!
Happy E-Reading!

Click cover for purchase options
Friday, March 6, 2009
Caught Ya, Captcha!
Captcha Of The Week! Welcome to a brand new traveling blog series!
You know those handy (or annoying) warpy words you have to type in to prove you're human and not a bot trolling the internet for techno secrets? When you don your 3-d glasses so you can actually read them, they're kinda cool almost-words and some of them are worthy of creative almost-definitions.
For instance: TERSLOR
Maybe it's a writer thing, but I automatically want to give it a meaning. But is it a verb or a noun? Or maybe an adjective? (If you're uncertain about nouns, verb, and/or adjectives check out Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Let's apply Terslor to a limerick and see what we get:
There once was a girl with a Terslor, who got herself stuck in the barn door...
Hmm, not much in the way of clarification there.
Say it aloud and I picture a northeastern-accented grandma trying to recall the name of Tesla Motors.
Maybe it's a mountain in Nepal! Is Terslor the name of the sculptor who created the statuary portals in Pixie Chicks?
So jump in here and tell me how you would define this week's captcha: TERSLOR
Happy Defining!
Find the next installment of this traveling blog at Serendipitous Times!
You know those handy (or annoying) warpy words you have to type in to prove you're human and not a bot trolling the internet for techno secrets? When you don your 3-d glasses so you can actually read them, they're kinda cool almost-words and some of them are worthy of creative almost-definitions.
For instance: TERSLOR
Maybe it's a writer thing, but I automatically want to give it a meaning. But is it a verb or a noun? Or maybe an adjective? (If you're uncertain about nouns, verb, and/or adjectives check out Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Let's apply Terslor to a limerick and see what we get:
There once was a girl with a Terslor, who got herself stuck in the barn door...
Hmm, not much in the way of clarification there.
Say it aloud and I picture a northeastern-accented grandma trying to recall the name of Tesla Motors.
Maybe it's a mountain in Nepal! Is Terslor the name of the sculptor who created the statuary portals in Pixie Chicks?
So jump in here and tell me how you would define this week's captcha: TERSLOR
Happy Defining!
Find the next installment of this traveling blog at Serendipitous Times!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Write Stuff Wednesday

Complete the manuscript. You learn so much in the process between 'Once upon a time' and 'The end'. Don't give up, finish it so YOU know the whole story. It makes it easier to submit when you feel confident about the total package.
Do the research. Research publishers to know if they publish your type of story. Research agents to know if they represent your type of story. Research the reading market to know who will read your story. Research your topic looking for connections between your story and current events and interests.
Present your best work and your best self. Getting to 'The End' doesn't mean you're ready for publication. Make sure before that manuscript goes out, it's as free of mistakes as you can make it. Check spelling, grammar, typos, and eliminate weak verbs. Find a guide like Self Editing for Fiction Writers. Enlist a friend who loves your genre to read through your story. When you have a meeting, dress the part of the professional. A sloppy, starving-artist look implies a sloppy manuscript.
Create the 25 word pitch. This is vital. It's the crux of the story. And it takes more than a couple minutes to develop. When you're selling your work to an agent or editor, this is the focused pitch line that sparks enough interest to get the request. The Novel Writer's Toolkit does an excellent job of teaching this important skill.
Happy Writing!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
South Carolina Book Fest

It was great to finally put names and faces together after blogging and twittering with Mary Cunningham, author of the Cynthia's Attic
This year it was my great pleasure to meet Austin Camacho, author of the Hannibal Jones mysteries. The latest release is Blood and Bone
Austin is one of the best examples I've seen in venues like book fairs and it was wonderful to watch him interact with readers and aspiring writers alike. A consummate professional and talented author, this is a man to emulate. If you aspire to success in publishing, purchase Austin's non-fiction title, Successfully Marketing Your Novel in the 21st Century!

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